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16CFA | 刘彦池--我用语言和歌声更好地表达自己

2017年06月22日 13:56  点击:[]

16CFA | 刘彦池--我用语言和歌声更好地表达自己


By Bella Liu

Self  Introduction

My name is Liu Yanchi (Bella), from 16 CFA. As for my character,I am of confidence and optimism. My favorite pastime is doing exercise, reading books and listening to the music. In the passing one year, studying professional knowledge and enriching my well-rounded life took most of my time.

No pains no gains.I won the Third Prize of English Speech Comtestand became a top student in English of our class. I will keep striving because I firmly believe that it is you attitude, rather than your aptitude, determines your altitude.


To newbies:


简单分享下我这一年在CFA班的收获和感悟.这一年不仅遇见了负责的老师,还收获了知识.我们的老师工商大学融智院最好的老师,还有CFA Holder专门进行CFA知识的讲解我们刚离开高中,对大学抱有各种各样的理想,任何事情都应该是你思考过的结果选择CFA是选择一种积极的态度,是即使你不选择也应该拥有的态度。There is no shortcut to any place worthgoing!



Song from Bella...

Click to listen...





上一条:金融学院召开2016-2017第二学期CFA班教师座谈会 下一条:16CFA | 王鹏程--我用镜头记录世界
